Moin Studio’s Personal Information Protection Policy
Moin Studio UG recognizes the importance of personal information and ensures the protection and safeguarding of its customers’ personal information as a fundamental principle of its business and its responsibility to society. Accordingly, Moin Studio has established the Personal Information Protection Policy described below and ensures that all its employees and business partners thoroughly understand and fully comply with the Policy.
1. Collection, Use, Provision, and Entrustment of Personal Information
Personal information shall be collected only after informing the customers of the purpose and obtaining consent for doing so, except when the rights or interests of customers or third parties may be injured. The scope of use of the personal information collected is limited, and, the information shall be handled appropriately within this scope. Personal information collected by Moin Studio UG shall not be provided to third parties, except as required by law or regulation.
2. Disclosure, Correction, Discontinuance of Use, etc. of Personal Information
If requested, Moin Studio UG shall accommodate requests for disclosure, correction, discontinuance of use, etc. of customers’ personal information promptly within a reasonable scope.
3. Implementation of Security Measures
Moin Studio UG implements safeguard measures and diligently works toward preventing unauthorized access to personal information, and the loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc. of such information. Specific rules governing the appropriate handling and use of personal information are in place, and staff are assigned to take responsibility therefor.
4. Observance of Laws, Regulations and Other Norms Relating to Personal Information
With respect to the observance of laws, regulations, and other norms relating to personal information, Moin Studio’s employees, and business partners who handle personal information comply with the laws, regulations, and guidelines relating to the protection of personal information and the privacy of communication.
The Use of personal information of the Site visitors
We take the protection of your personal information very seriously and are committed to compliance with applicable privacy and data protection laws, including EU General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR).This website is operated for the purpose of providing information about Moin Studio UG company. Certain parts of the site request its visitors to provide personal information for the purposes of responding to inquiries. In this case, items of personal information include your name and e-mail address. This information will not be provided or disclosed to a third party, except in the case where the provision of such information is ordered by the court or governmental agencies, national or local, in accordance with the stipulation of laws or regulations.
Email outreach
1. Use of Publicly Available Information - As part of our email outreach process, we use contact information (e.g., email address, first name, last name) that is publicly available on the internet, such as on official websites or professional profiles.This data is collected solely for the purpose of initiating professional communication and is deleted immediately after the outreach.
2. Purpose of Data Use - The data is used exclusively for sending a single outreach email and is not processed or utilized for any other purposes.
3. No Long-Term Storage or Sharing - We do not store, share, or otherwise retain your contact information after the outreach process unless you explicitly agree to continue communication.
4. Immediate Deletion - If no response is received to this email, your contact information is deleted immediately after the outreach.If you reply and wish to discontinue communication, your information will be promptly erased upon your request.
5. Your Rights - You have the right to access, rectify, or request the deletion of your personal data at any time.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of your personal data, please contact us directly.
For all questions and complaints related to personal data protection and privacy, you can contact us via the contact form or via e-mail.